
The Winnie Stowell Hospital District (“District”) recognizes the importance of supporting the healthcare needs of the citizens and organizations residing inside the District. Therefore, it is the policy of the District to sponsor programs, initiatives, activities, projects and other matters that assist in the designated purposes of the District as set forth in Chapters 61, 285, and 286 of the Texas Health and Safety Code.

These efforts include but are not limited to increasing the quality and scope of healthcare available to the Citizens of the District and its needy inhabitants by 1) promoting cost effective health care services; 2) ensuring regulatory compliance; 3) marketing the services provided by the District; and 4) providing leadership and management.

Additionally, it is the policy of the District to support activities that advance the general welfare of the District and its facilities, including activities that promote the betterment of the District’s relationships with organizations that advocate for better healthcare for all the residents inside the District if these activities are in the best interest of the District.




Grant funding decisions will be guided by the requester’s ability to satisfy one or more of the following District Grant/Sponsorship Priorities:

I. Indigent Healthcare

As part of its statutory duty and mission of attending to and balancing the healthcare needs of the community and its needy inhabitants, the main purpose of this District and any hospital district in the State of Texas, is to assume full responsibility for providing medical and hospital care for its Indigent inhabitants without charge.

II. Community Healthcare

In addition, the District is working to increase the quality of healthcare resources in the community in order to re-establish confidence in the healthcare provides that services the District and to encourage additional healthcare services in the District in order ease the burden of having to travel outside of the District for healthcare treatments.

III. Economic Development

By having a vibrant healthcare delivery system in the District, the District hopes to assist in increasing the population of the District and the tax base inside the District as well as expanding the need for infrastructure development in eastern Chambers County, Texas.

IV. Community Outreach

The District is committed to supporting community-based activities and programs that promote the general healthcare and welfare of the region and community through alliances, cooperative arrangement with other governmental and nongovernmental
entities, as well as other strategic opportunities identified by the District’s Board, staff, and others inside the community for volunteer efforts; educational initiatives; and community outreach efforts deemed to be in the best interest of the District.