Meetings for WSHD
Meetings of the Winnie Stowell Hospital District are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month are open to the public.
If you are interested in the agenda for an upcoming meeting, please see below. Minutes will be posted when available.
| |Additional supportive documentation related to minutes are available upon written request under the Public Information Act (PIA); please submit an Open Records Request if desired.
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing FCM=Finance Committee Meeting
- 01.17.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 02.21.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 03.20.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 04.03.2024 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 04.17.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 04.24.2024 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 05.15.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J
- 06.26.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 07.24.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 07.30.2024 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 08.26.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-L
- 09.18.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 10.16.2024 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G2
- 11.20.2024 RM / Agenda| Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 12.18.2024 RM & PH / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J (2025 Adopted Budget- Exhibit A)
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing FCM=Finance Committee Meeting
- 01.18.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 02.15.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 03.15.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 04.19.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 05.17.2023 RM / Agenda | Rescheduled to May 22
- 05.22.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 06.21.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E2
- 07.19.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 08.02.2023 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B2
- 08.16.2023 RM / Agenda | Amended Agenda | Exhibits A-F
- 09.20.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J
- 10.18.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 11.15.2023 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 12.20.2023 PH/RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing FCM=Finance Committee Meeting
- 01.19.2022 RM / Agenda | Amended Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- Jan Financials
- 02.16.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 03.23.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 04.20.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 04.27.2022 SM / Agenda | CANCELLED
- 05.06.2022 SM / Agenda corrected | Minutes | (No Exhibits)
- 05.18.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 06.15.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F2
- 07.01.2022 SM /Agenda | Minutes | (No Exhibits)
- 07.20.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 08.17.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes |Exhibits A-H
- 08.29.2022 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 09.21.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 10.19.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes |Exhibits A-D
- 11.16.2022 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 11.30.2022 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 12.14.2022 PH & RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing FCM=Finance Committee Meeting
- 01.20.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 02.17.2021 RM / Agenda | (Cancelled due to Weather)
- 02.24.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 03.24.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 04.21.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 05.19.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 06.16.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 07.21.2021 RM Moved to July 28
- 07.28.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 07.30.2021 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 08.18.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 08.27.2021 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 09.15.2021 RM / Agenda |(Cancelled due to Weather)
- 09.22.2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 10.20.2021 RM / Agenda | Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 10/29/2021 SM & Workshop | Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 11/17/2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 12/15/2021 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F2
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing FCM=Finance Committee Meeting
- 01.22.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-O
- 02.19.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 03.24.2020 RM / Agenda | 1st Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J
- 04.03.2020 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 04.15.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 05.20.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 06.17.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J2
- 07.15.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 08.19.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 09.16.2020 RM / Agenda | Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 10.21.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 11.18.2020 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J
- 12.10.2020 FCM / Agenda Notice Finance Committee Meeting | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 12.16.2020 RM / Agenda| Minutes |Exhibits A-J
- 12.21.2020 PH.SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing
- 01.16.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H2
- 01.31.2019 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 02.20.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 03.20.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 04.17.2019 PH/RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 04.24.2019 EM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 05.10.2019 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 05.15.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 05.29.2019 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B2
- 06.19.2019 PH/RM Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 07.17.2019 RM / Agenda | Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 08.21.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 08.22.2019 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 09.18.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A1-F2
- 10.02.2019 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 10.16.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A1-H2
- 11.06.2019 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A1-B3
- 11.20.2019 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 12.18.2019 PH & RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing
- 01.10.2018 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 01.24.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 01.30.2018 SM / Agenda | Agenda (with note) | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 02.21.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F2
- 03.21.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 04.18.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 05.16.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H3
- 06.20.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 07.18.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 08.15.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A -F
- 08.29.2018 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 09.19.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 10.17.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C2
- 11.14.2018 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 11.19.2018 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C4
- 12.19.2018 PH RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing
- 01.25.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 02.08.2017 SM / Agenda (Canceled)
- 02.22.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B6g
- 03.22.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 04.12.2017 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 04.19.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J
- 05.02.2017 SM / Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 05.17.2017 RM / Rescheduled to May 24
- 05.24.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G4
- 06.01.2017 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 06.21.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 07.10.2017 SM / Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 07.26.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-G
- 08.17.2017 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 08.30.2017 RM / Agenda | Cancelled due to Hurricane-moved to Sept 6
- 09.06.2017 RM / Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-O
- 09.20.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 09.27.2017 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 10.18.2017 RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 10.30.2017 SM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 11.15.2017 RM / Agenda / Amended Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-I
- 12.20.2017 PH/RM / Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-J
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing
- 01.06.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 01.06.2016 PF: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 01.20.2016 RM: Agenda |Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 01.25.2016 SM: Agenda |Minutes | Exhibit A
- 02.17.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 02.25.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 03.23.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 04.06.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | No Exhibits
- 04.20.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 05.12.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 05.18.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 06.29.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 07.25.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 08.17.2016 RM: RESCHEDULED
- 08.24.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes| Exhibits A-B
- 08.31.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 09.21.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 10.19.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 10.26.2016 SM: CANCELED
- 10.28.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 11.14.2016 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 11.22.2016 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-H
- 12.15.2016 RM : Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting
PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing
- 01.14.2015 RM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 01.29.2015 SM: Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 02.09.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 02.10.2015 – Cancelled
- 02.11.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | No Exhibits
- 02.18.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 02.25.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 03.04.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 03.18.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 03.24.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 04.15.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 05.07.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 05.20.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-F
- 05.29.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A
- 06.17.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 06.24.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 07.22.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 08.06.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibit A-D
- 08.19.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-B
- 09.16.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 10.05.2015 EM – Agenda | Minutes | No Exhibits
- 10.28.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 11.09.2015 SM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 11.18.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 12.16.2015 RM – Agenda | Minutes Exhibits A-C
RM=Regular Meeting EM=Emergency Meeting SM=Special Meeting
PF=Public Forum PH=Public Hearing
- 01.07.2014 EM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 01.15.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 01.22.2014 EM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 02.19.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 02.26.2014 SM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 03.06.2014 PF: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 03.10.2014 SM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 03.19.2014 RM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 03.27.2014 EM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 04.16.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibit A-C
- 04.28.2014 SM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 05.15.2014 SM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 05.22.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 06.11.2014 RM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 06.18.2014 EM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 07.16.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 08.04.2014 SM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 08.20.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 08.25.2014 SM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 09.17.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 09.30.2014 SM: Minutes | No Exhibits
- 10.15.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibits A-C
- 10.28.2014 SM: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 11.19.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibits A-D
- 11.25.2014 SM: Minutes | Exhibits A-E
- 12.17.2014 PH: Minutes | Exhibit A
- 12.17.2014 RM: Minutes | Exhibits A-G
The Board may retire to Executive Session any time between the meetings opening and adjournment for the purpose of consultation with legal counsel pursuant to Chapter 551.071 of the Texas Government Code; discussion of personnel matters pursuant to Chapter 551.074 of the Texas Government Code; and/or, discussion of real estate acquisitions pursuant to Chapter 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Action, if any, will be taken in open session.
A packet containing all existing supportive documentation for agenda is available for inspection upon receipt of a written request and can be made available at Winnie Community Hospital, located at Broadway, Winnie, Texas between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Please call Victoria Carlo at (409) 296-1003 or to arrange a viewing or copies of the documents.
Winnie-Stowell Hospital District is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Please call Sherrie Norris at (409) 296-1003 for information. Hearing impaired or speech disabled persons equipped with telecommunication devices for the deaf may utilize the statewide Relay Texas Program, 1-800-735-2988.